18Sep Joining of Neurosurgeon by admin We are proud to announce the joining of Dr. Mahmoud Farid, Specialist Neurosurgeon, with more than 15 years of experience in the field. The Neurosurgery Department of Green Emirates Hospital ?provides expert care, consultation & treatment for the following cases: Headache Low back pain and leg pain (sciatica). Neck and arm pain Facial pain Epilepsy Brain tumors in adults and children Sphincteric disorders as urinary incontinence / retention and constipation Gait and balance disturbances Deterioration of hearing, tinnitus and vertigo Deterioration of visual acuity and visual field defects Pituitary gland hormonal disorders Head, spine and spinal cord injuries Bleeding in the brain (stroke) Surgery of brain tumors Skull base surgery Pediatric neurosurgery Spine surgery including fixation and microscopic disc surgery Spinal cord surgery Epilepsy surgery Peripheral nerve surgery Endoscopic brain surgery Surgical management of head and spine trauma Surgical management of brain hemorrhage Post navigation right-arrow2Previous Post How to Choose the Best Toothbrush Next Postright-arrow Neurosurgery Department
The Neurosurgery Department of Green Emirates Hospital ?provides expert care, consultation & treatment for the following cases: Headache Low back pain and leg pain (sciatica). Neck and arm pain Facial pain Epilepsy Brain tumors in adults and children Sphincteric disorders as urinary incontinence / retention and constipation Gait and balance disturbances Deterioration of hearing, tinnitus and vertigo Deterioration of visual acuity and visual field defects Pituitary gland hormonal disorders Head, spine and spinal cord injuries Bleeding in the brain (stroke) Surgery of brain tumors Skull base surgery Pediatric neurosurgery Spine surgery including fixation and microscopic disc surgery Spinal cord surgery Epilepsy surgery Peripheral nerve surgery Endoscopic brain surgery Surgical management of head and spine trauma Surgical management of brain hemorrhage